Well, here I go again on the subject of politics, media and race. It's just an exciting time to be an American. As I mentioned in my earlier post this is history in the making. I think of my Grandparents,(Maternal and Paternal) and parents and how they endured much hurt and pain for me to be able to witness a Black Man elected President of the

As I started this project, my mind went back to the sixties. How confusing it was for a 10 year old to understand the assassination of a man. As a matter of fact it took me a little while to understand what an assassination was.
Growing up African American in Rural Virginia during the 50's & 60's was not the easist. But this is where we lived. There were many places we could not go, and things we could not do. And if we did have to be in the pressence of Anglos, we were always cautious.
Today I realize the 60's was the beginning of change for the African Americans and Anglo Americans. The change, that all persons are created equal, and we all have the right to dream and realize our dreams.
I was interested in knowing just how much Obama's speech "A More Perfect Union" paralleled King's "I Have a Dream speech". So I did a little experiment. I listened to both at the same time. Since the Obama speech was longer, I started it first. Letting it play for about 60 seconds, then I started the King speech.
At first, it was a little difficult to follow each person, after a few moments I got the hang of it and could distinguish each voice as well as the messages. The more I listened to both men, the more I realized a parallel in the messages. There were points, that each Man spoke on, that mirrored the other. The words went exact, but the message was the same. The message that all persons were created equal, and we are One Nation of People. We are all Americans!
Martin Luther King - "I Have A Dream"
Obama - "A More Perfect Union"