Kadir Nelson began drawing at the age of three, and painting at age ten. “I have always been an artist,” Nelson explains. “It’s part of my DNA.” At age ten, his uncle Michael Morris, an artist and art instructor, apprenticed Nelson. “My uncle gave me my foundation in art,” says the artist. Under the encouragement and tutelage of both his uncle and high school art teacher, Nelson experimented with several different media and began painting in oils at sixteen. He would later submit his paintings to art competitions and win an art scholarship to study at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. Upon graduating with honors, Nelson began his professional career as an artist, publishing his work and receiving commissions from publishers and production studios such as Dreamworks, where he served as a the lead conceptual artist for Steven Spielberg’s “Amistad” and “Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron,” Sports Illustrated, Coca-Cola, The United States Postal Service and Major League Baseball, among others.
Stolen King
Paper edition
Image Size 25" x 25"

The Story of Negro League Baseball
by Kadir Nelson
Illustrated by Kadir Nelson

Rube Foster -
Pen and Ink on Paper
Owner - Pen and Ink on Paper
Owner - Pen and Ink on Paper
6" x 8"
6" x 8"
Owner - Pen and Ink on Paper
6" x 8"
Commissions: Advertising
BCFX - Nerjyzed Entertainment
This is the most brutally fun and amazingly accurate football experience out there. Set in the unique and colorful world of Black College Football, BCFx puts you in the spotlight.
Check out the trailer for the game at www.bcfxgame.com
PrintsOriginal Drawings
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